Joyeux Noël
20 décembre, 2006 | 0 commentaires »

Il est temps de vous souhaiter à toutes et à tous un Joyeux Noël, ainsi qu'une Bonne et Heureuse Nouvelle Année. Qu'elle vous garde tous en bonne santé, et vous apporte plein de bonheur.
N'oublier pas que les Bavards se réuniront le mercredi, le 3 janvier 2007, au Black Ram à Des Plaines, à partir de 18:30.
Je vais prendre quelques jours de vacances. Qui sait, peut-être aurai-je des choses à vous raconter.
A l'année prochaine.
Découvrir un écrivain: Michel Houellebecq
15 décembre, 2006 | 0 commentaires »
"Les Particules élémentaires", "Plateforme", "La Possibilité d’une île": qu'on aime, ou qu'on n'aime pas, l'écrivain français Michel Houellebecq ne laisse pas indifférent. Alors, je vous laisse le découvrir. Voici son site officiel, et si cela vous tente, son blog.
Bonne lecture.
Bonne lecture.

Voilà qui me ravit! Depuis le temps que je vois du "podcasting" partout dans la presse française, je suis enfin tombé sur la terminologie officielle française de ce mot. Alors à partir de maintenant, même en voyant le mot "podcasting", je lirai "diffusion pour baladeur". Et rendons à César ce qui est à César, c'est sur que j'ai trouvé sur cette information.
09 décembre, 2006 | 0 commentaires »
Début de FRANCE 24
France 24, le "CNN à la française," viens de débuter! Vous y trouverez les actualités avec une perspective française en continu - en français et en anglais.
Selon la chaine, "FRANCE 24 est diffusée en Europe, au Proche et Moyen Orient et en Afrique dans l'univers du numérique dans deux versions (français, anglais) ainsi qu'à New York et Washington DC. D'ici trois ans, la diffusion sera élargie à l'Asie / Pacifique, l'Amérique du Nord, et l'Amérique du Sud".
Merci à David Reithoffer du Groupe Professionel Francophone, pour l'info.
France 24, le "CNN à la française," viens de débuter! Vous y trouverez les actualités avec une perspective française en continu - en français et en anglais.
Selon la chaine, "FRANCE 24 est diffusée en Europe, au Proche et Moyen Orient et en Afrique dans l'univers du numérique dans deux versions (français, anglais) ainsi qu'à New York et Washington DC. D'ici trois ans, la diffusion sera élargie à l'Asie / Pacifique, l'Amérique du Nord, et l'Amérique du Sud".
Merci à David Reithoffer du Groupe Professionel Francophone, pour l'info.
A Year In Provence
06 décembre, 2006 | 0 commentaires »

From their Website:
A YEAR IN PROVENCE is the four-part adaptation of Peter Mayle's true-life bestseller about the first year he and his wife (played John Thaw and Lindsay Duncan) spent in a 200-year-old French farmhouse, and the gastronomical splendours they experienced. Originally produced for the A&E cable channel, the volumes are split according to the year's seasons: "Winter," "Spring," "Summer," and "Fall." "Summer," and "Fall."
eBulletin de l'UFEC
05 décembre, 2006 | 0 commentaires »
Faites un petit tour du coté de l'eBulletin de l'UFEC (Union des Français à l'Etranger de Chicago) de décembre. C'est plein d'idées pratiques, d'activités et d'informations pour les fêtes de fin d'année.
Here is a gift idea for that special person that wants to learn more about French (the language): THE STORY OF FRENCH, by Jean-Benoît Nadeau and Julie Barlow.
And, if you think this is the book for you, has it!
Merci, Melody, pour l'info.
And, if you think this is the book for you, has it!
Merci, Melody, pour l'info.
CNN Online has an interesting section on their website, called The Scene. As their site explains, "each week on The Scene, a leading personality will give you exclusive insights into a city they love." I clicked on the link because I saw a picture of Jane Birkin. I like Jane Birkin. Through her, I rediscovered Serge Gainsbourg. But I also like her as an artist in her own right. So, if you don't know her, or want to know a little more about Paris, as seen through her eyes, take a look.
29 novembre, 2006 | 0 commentaires »
More French Movie Fare. It must be Christmas!! Oh, wait, it is!!
From December 1 2006 through January 2 2007, the Gene Siskel Film Center in Chicago presents French Ticklers, a series of eight comedies presented in association with Cultural Services of the French Embassy and the Ministère des Affaires Étrangères (MAE).
French Ticklers presents a selection of prominent comedies from the last quarter-century. These films represent the field of popular comedy rarely seen in American theaters, as opposed to the art-house variety of AMELIE and LOOK AT ME. Only three of them (LA CHÈVRE, FRENCH TWIST, THE VISITORS) have received U.S. theatrical releases, and they are seldom revived. Several of the films in the series are being screened in original French versions that were cut or altered for American theatrical or video release.
Gene Siskel Film Center in Chicago
164 North State Street
Chicago, Illinois 60601
Tel: 312-846-2600 - MOVIE HOTLINE: 312-846-2800
Special thanks to Diane Eberhardt, Cultural Services of the French Embassy, Chicago; Delphine Selles and François Leloup-Collet, Cultural Services of the French Embassy, New York; and Antoine Sebire, Embassy of France, Washington.
(Some of the movies shown are must-see for anyone who wants to develop an appreciation of popular French comedies. I can only applaud all those responsible for putting this program together - Patrick)
From December 1 2006 through January 2 2007, the Gene Siskel Film Center in Chicago presents French Ticklers, a series of eight comedies presented in association with Cultural Services of the French Embassy and the Ministère des Affaires Étrangères (MAE).
French Ticklers presents a selection of prominent comedies from the last quarter-century. These films represent the field of popular comedy rarely seen in American theaters, as opposed to the art-house variety of AMELIE and LOOK AT ME. Only three of them (LA CHÈVRE, FRENCH TWIST, THE VISITORS) have received U.S. theatrical releases, and they are seldom revived. Several of the films in the series are being screened in original French versions that were cut or altered for American theatrical or video release.
Gene Siskel Film Center in Chicago
164 North State Street
Chicago, Illinois 60601
Tel: 312-846-2600 - MOVIE HOTLINE: 312-846-2800
Special thanks to Diane Eberhardt, Cultural Services of the French Embassy, Chicago; Delphine Selles and François Leloup-Collet, Cultural Services of the French Embassy, New York; and Antoine Sebire, Embassy of France, Washington.
(Some of the movies shown are must-see for anyone who wants to develop an appreciation of popular French comedies. I can only applaud all those responsible for putting this program together - Patrick)
The 10th Annual Festival of New French Cinema at Facets Multimedia (December 1-10), with a great variety of styles and genres (relationship comedies; personal dramas; a space parody; a paranormal thriller); actors you love(Romain Duris, Emmanuelle Devos, Mathieu Amalric, Cécile de France, Michel Blanc, Gérard Depardieu,Sabine Azéma and Daniel
Auteuil); and filmmakers on the rise (Christophe Honoré, Sophie Fillières, the Larrieu brothers and Xavier Giannoli). An absolute must for any serious film lover!
Auteuil); and filmmakers on the rise (Christophe Honoré, Sophie Fillières, the Larrieu brothers and Xavier Giannoli). An absolute must for any serious film lover!

6:30 p.m.
December 6: "La saint-Nicolas". When I was young, and I am sure those of you who are from the Alsace-Lorraine region will probably have similar stories to tell, La saint- Nicolas was a sure sign that Christmas was not far off. In our area, children would polish their boots, and place them by the chimney on the eve of December 6. Overnight, St. Nicholas would visit and leave an orange, some chocolate and a pain d'épices. No Playstation, no iPod. Just coming downstairs in the morning, and finding these little gifts in our boots made our day. And it was the same for all of our friends. It was in many ways a wonderful celebration.
A mercredi.
Halloween, c'est dépassé.
01 novembre, 2006 | 1 commentaires »
Lu dans le Parisien. C'est la fin des haricots pour Halloween en France.
N'habitant plus en France, j'ai été quelque peu surpris d'apprendre que cette fête, que je ne comprend pas vraiment, même après plus de vingt ans passées ici, y soit célébrée.
Et effectivement, lors d'un cours séjour en Alsace il y a deux ans, j'ai trouvé Strasbourg
et les petits villages alentours décorés avec des citrouilles, des toiles d'araignées et des sorcières. Le clou biensûr est que pratiquement personne ne savait très bien quel était le sens de cette fête.
Enfin les français sont revenus à la raison. Tant mieux.
N'habitant plus en France, j'ai été quelque peu surpris d'apprendre que cette fête, que je ne comprend pas vraiment, même après plus de vingt ans passées ici, y soit célébrée.
Et effectivement, lors d'un cours séjour en Alsace il y a deux ans, j'ai trouvé Strasbourg
et les petits villages alentours décorés avec des citrouilles, des toiles d'araignées et des sorcières. Le clou biensûr est que pratiquement personne ne savait très bien quel était le sens de cette fête.
Enfin les français sont revenus à la raison. Tant mieux.
Prix littéraires: c'est parti!
29 octobre, 2006 | 0 commentaires »

Comme l'indique sa mission en bas de page, "ce site a pour objectif de constituer une base de données des principaux prix littéraires afin de permettre un accès rapide aux oeuvres récompensées. L'autre ambition est de présenter d'autres prix littéraires moins connus mais grâce auxquels il est souvent possible de découvrir des oeuvres de qualité mais qui n'ont pas eu la chance de bénéficier d'une grande couverture médiatique."
Le premier prix de la nouvelle saison a déjà été attribué. Le Grand Prix de l'Académie a été attribué à Jonathan Littell pour son roman, Les bienveillantes. A croire les différentes chroniques que j'ai lue ces derniers jours, cela ne sera pas sa seule récompense.
Alors, à qui le Goncourt cette année? Allez ici et votez pour votre sélection.
Le prix sera décerné le 6 novembre, 2006.

George Lepauw, classical pianist, is delighted to be performing with Charles Pikler, principal viola of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, as well as with talented mezzo-soprano Aruna Serbanescu, in a program of:
Gypsy Songs opus 103, Viola sonata in E flat Major opus 120, and Two Songs opus 91 for alto voice, viola and piano
Les Nuits d’été, opus 7
This concert is FREE at Northwestern University and a reception will follow on location.
Tuesday October 31st at 8:30pm
Lutkin Hall at Northwestern University
700 University Place
P.S. University Place is an east-west street between Clark street and Emerson, Lutkin is just east of Sherman avenue, on the south side of the street. Parking can be found on the street or in the parking lot for the Music Administration Building, which is the first driveway to the right once you turn onto University place from Sherman.
You can also get to Evanston on the El Purple line (Davis Stop) or the Metra Chicago-Kenosha line (Davis Street).
Bring your friends and family!
As Part of the Sunday Salon Series, the Chicago Cultural Center presents Le Bon Vent, Sunday, November 5, 2005.
Le Bon Vent, "the good wind", is a celebration of the traditional music of France. Formed in 2003 by acclaimed Vermont accordionist Jeremiah McLane who acts as the group's Artistic Director, the music of Le Bon Vent is both traditional and contemporary. Ensemble members include accordionist Jeremiah McLane, vocalist Cristi Catt, clarinetist James Falzone, violinist Ruthie Dornfeld, guitarist Adam Larrabee, and percussionist Taki Masuko.
La république des livres
28 octobre, 2006 | 0 commentaires »
Voici un blog que je lis régulièrement, et qui je pense, peut vous intéresser. Il s'agit de La république des livres, le blog de Pierre Assouline, écrivain, journaliste, ancien directeur de la rédaction du magazine mensuel Lire, chroniqueur du Monde 2 et critique litéraire au Nouvel Observateur. Son dernier roman est intitulé Lutécia.
Bonne lecture.
Bonne lecture.
Comme le temps passe! Déjà un mois depuis notre dernier rendez-vous. Les Bavards vont se réunir à nouveau le 1er novembre, jour de la Toussaint.
Alors, à mercredi.
Alors, à mercredi.
KIKI’S 16th Anniversary Celebration
10 octobre, 2006 |

Kiki’s Bistro is proud to present a month-long celebration with the following highlights:
- The unveiling of the new fall/winter menu on October 15th
- The opening celebration of a new exhibit featuring French painter Sergati on November 2nd
- The celebration of the Bistro’s 16th birthday
- The release of the Beaujolais nouveau on Thursday November 19th
Summer is already behind us and Kiki’s new fall/winter menu will be unveiled on October 15th. Whether you decide to join us for lunch or dinner, famous fares such as Coq au Vin, Cassoulet Toulousain and Pot au Feu are some of the highlights of the new menu.
Thursday, November 2nd, Kiki's will host the opening of a new exhibit featuring French painter Sergati.
From 5 to 7:30 pm, complimentary cocktails and hors d’oeuvres will be served. That evening, you will be able to meet the artist who has traveled all the way from Agen, France and will attend the opening show to present his artwork.
From Miami to Gaugin’s Island in French Polynesia where he was discovered, his painting style appears to descend directly from the genealogy of French modern art. Log on to to learn more about the artist.
This month, Kiki’s bistro celebrates its 16th year at the current River North location.
November is also special for us because in 2002, Mayor Daley proclaimed November 1st to be Georges “Kiki” Cuisance day in Chicago. For the occasion, a special “Menu Anniversaire” will be available from November 1st until November the 15th.
November is also a special month because of the worldwide release of the Beaujolais Nouveau on Thursday November 19th.
It has been said that “If the Irish have their Saint Patrick’s Day, then the French can be proud of their Beaujolais Nouveau day!”
A special three course pre-fix menu with a glass of Beaujolais will be served from November 16th to November 30th. (The full regular menu will also be available)
Pascal has selected no less than six Beaujolais wines for this special occasion; two Beaujolais Nouveau and four other prestigious appellations from the district of Beaujolais.
In addition, we will have live music with Singer Julien Branlard who will perform all your favorite French songs.
So mark your calendar, come celebrate with us and carry on our traditions at your favorite Bistro.
To make a reservation or to obtain further information, please call Kiki or Pascal at 312 335 5454.
Table d'hôte organisée par l'UFEC
07 octobre, 2006 | 0 commentaires »
L'union des français à l'étranger, section de Chicago, organise une soirée à La Sardine, jeudi le 19 octobre 2006, à 19h30.
Au Menu: Entrées - Plat - Dessert, Café, Un verre de Vin
RSVP avant le 14 Octobre 2006 à Charlotte LABAT (
Prix: Toutes taxes et service inclus
$40.00/personne pour les membres
$50.00/personne pour les non membres
$50.00/personne pour les non membres
October Meeting In Des Plaines
01 octobre, 2006 | 0 commentaires »
Don't forget. Our next meeting is October 4, 2006, at the Black Ram Steak House, 1414 Oakton St., in Des Plaines at 6:30 p.m. Venez nombreux!
For those who are interested in keeping up-to-date on what is going on at the Académie Française, here is a recommendation from Janet Evans.
This is what their "about us" page says:
Canal Académie est une radio sur Internet. Située au cœur de l’Institut de France à Paris, elle offre les services d’une programmation hebdomadaire et ceux d’une médiathèque (accès aux archives sonores).
Canal Académie donne une large place aux communications des Académiciens sur les problèmes de société, aux livres écrits, primés ou recommandés par eux. Canal Académie diffuse les voix des Académies de l’Institut de France :
l’Académie française
l’Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres
l’Académie des sciences
l’Académie des beaux-arts
l’Académie des sciences morales et politiques
Chaque semaine, elle présente des programmes nouveaux diffusés 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7.
Dans un univers sans boussole, Canal Académie offre la garantie de la rigueur en se plaçant au-delà d’une logique d’actualité.
A Special Thanksgiving in Mount Prospect
20 septembre, 2006 | 0 commentaires »

To the Sister Cities Commission’s fourth annual Thanksgiving Day dinner, Thursday, October 26, 2006. For more information, visit the City of Mount Prospect website.

The screening will take place Friday, October 13, 2006 at 6:30 p.m.
Seating is limited to 68 people on a first come, first served basis. Meeting Room A.
Merci Lynnea
Comedies françaises: a wishlist
19 septembre, 2006 | 0 commentaires »

Anyway, I created a wishlist of French Comedies, available online, or in local libraries. Many of the French classics are unfortunately not represented here, because they are not available in this country. I always thought that humor doesn't travel well from country to country (see the disaster that was the adaptation of "Les Visiteurs" for american consumption to "Just Visiting"). For this reason, I suppose, movies like "La vache", "Le corniaud", "Les bronzés", or "Papi fait de la résistance" won't make it over here any time soon.
Until then, here is a list of French comedies I can recommend to you. Maybe you have seen some of these movies. If you enjoyed them, let everyone know. If you have other suggestions, let them know as well. If you have your own wishlist that you would like to share, send it to me, and I will post it.

This is a wonderfull blog. Quirky, funny, insightful, and very well written. If you like France, and are interested in discovering Paris through the eyes of an English woman, you will enjoy reading her entries.
If you like her blog, you can also visit La Coquette, written by American woman. The subtitle of this blog says it all: "Don't hate me because I live in Paris".
Parisian Salon Concerts in Northbrook
08 septembre, 2006 | 0 commentaires »
Always on the first Friday on the month, always at 7:30pm, and always free at the Northbrook Public Library.
Various musicians perform. Parisian anecdotes are offered, in English, by hosts Didier and Jane Lepeau. Visit the library calendar online for more information.
Oftentimes, several audience members speak French together after the music program concludes.
Merci pour l'info, Melody.
Various musicians perform. Parisian anecdotes are offered, in English, by hosts Didier and Jane Lepeau. Visit the library calendar online for more information.
Oftentimes, several audience members speak French together after the music program concludes.
Merci pour l'info, Melody.
Cafe Conversation, Evening Editon, Lincolnwood, IL
07 septembre, 2006 | 0 commentaires »

"Les Bavard's co-voitureage from the North Shore area",
The Alliance Francaise of the North Shore is debuting an informal "Cafe Conversation, Evening Editon" on the second-Mondays of the month. It will be similar to the "cafe conversation" held at Panera, Wilmette one morning a month.
Where: Lincolnwood Town Center food-court, near Villa pizza's east windows.
When: Monday, Sept. 11, 7:30pm- 8:30pm (second Mondays)
The next "Cafe Conversation, Evening Edition" will be held on the second Monday of October, October 9, at 7:30pm.
Who: Melody O'Leary, AFNS co-president, will host these events. She is hoping to see participants from Rogers Park, Lincolnwood, Skokie, Evanston, and nearby. Bring a francophone friend, or meet a new francophone friend.
Cost: Free. No purchase necessary.
See you there if you are available.
Visit our webpage for other club events, updated year 'round,
Les Bavards Meet In Des Plaines
24 août, 2006 | 1 commentaires »

Wednesday, September 6th at 6:30 PM, for dinner and conversation at the Black Ram Steak House, 1414 Oakton St., in Des Plaines to practice using the language in an informal setting. "Venez vous joindre à nous!"
Participants, including a few native speakers, have various levels of proficiency in speaking French. No membership is required, merely the willingness to listen or speak in French. For full details, please RSVP by e-mail to or call
(847) 720-4502 by the preceding Monday evening.

In August, we celebrated our second anniversary with a cake and French party favors. Our usual attendance is 15 people of all conversational levels. A willingness to at least listen in French is all that is required. No English is spoken except to help others out with a word here or there. To reserve, send an e-mail by 10am on the Friday before the meeting to
Quoi de neuf chez les Bavards?
22 août, 2006 | 1 commentaires »

Je me présente: Patrick, alsacien de coeur, français de naissance, américain d'adoption.
Sally, la fondatrice de notre sympathique groupe, m'a demandé de m'occuper de notre site. Je vais faire de mon mieux et le mettre à jour régulièrement.
Si vous avez des suggestions pour rendre ce site plus vivant, ou si vous avez des informations à propos d'une manifestation culturelle ou autre à Chicago que vous aimeriez partager avec les Bavards, contactez-moi par courriel. Merci.
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