Cafe Conversation, Evening Editon, Lincolnwood, IL

07 septembre, 2006 |

"Les Bavard's co-voitureage from the North Shore area",

The Alliance Francaise of the North Shore is debuting an informal "Cafe Conversation, Evening Editon" on the second-Mondays of the month. It will be similar to the "cafe conversation" held at Panera, Wilmette one morning a month.

Where: Lincolnwood Town Center food-court, near Villa pizza's east windows.

When: Monday, Sept. 11, 7:30pm- 8:30pm (second Mondays)
The next "Cafe Conversation, Evening Edition" will be held on the second Monday of October, October 9, at 7:30pm.

Who: Melody O'Leary, AFNS co-president, will host these events. She is hoping to see participants from Rogers Park, Lincolnwood, Skokie, Evanston, and nearby. Bring a francophone friend, or meet a new francophone friend.

Cost: Free. No purchase necessary.

See you there if you are available.

Visit our webpage for other club events, updated year 'round,

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